. On behalf of the Local 1700 Executive Board, I’d like to wish everyone a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.
We’re all looking forward to the completion of the ballot count next week, but in the meantime, the important work of the union must go on. Thank you to all members who participated in the election of officers by casting your vote. And thank you to the dozens of union members who participated by running for union office. Our union’s strength depends upon an actively involved membership, and in this election, members demonstrated their collective desire to participate in union democracy.
We have a full agenda for 2014, and it is time for us to roll up our sleeves and get to work. We need to redouble our efforts on the ATU Over-the-Road campaign and finally bring safety and fairness to all over the road bus drivers. We have contracts to negotiate that cover our brothers and sisters who work at Bolt Bus and in Greyhound’s terminals. And we need to be at least as active in this fall’s elections as we were in the 2012 elections.
We also have to make sure we never let our guard down when it comes to representing Greyhound drivers, maintenance and terminal workers. The company continues to come up with new ways to mistreat its employees, and we need to strengthen our resolve to stand firm against unfair discipline and unfair company policies and practices.
2014 will be a great year for building the kind of unity and strength we need as we tackle the big issues that challenge us.
Roadkill will be updated after the completion of the election tally on January 7. Meanwhile, stay safe out there.