Contract Negotiations Resume
Local 1700’s bargaining committee is set to meet with Greyhound on Monday, December 3rd, in a fourth round of contract negotiations. During the three previous bargaining sessions, the union laid out clearly our goals for the next contract. The two biggest items on our agenda are the return of subcontracted work and the end of unpaid work time. And they are, as you all know, very big items.
Discussions of these two goals have brought to light a lot of complicated details that will have to be dealt with, and there are also many other contract proposals of importance to Local 1700 members that have not yet been explored in detail at the negotiating table. So we have a lot of work to do.
The bargaining committee remains 100% solid in our determination to make the kinds of improvements we’ve been fighting for over the past several years. So stay connected and check in often during the next week for updates on the talks and what you can do to further the cause of fairness for Greyhound workers.