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Title Type/Name Description
Michigan ATU Votes "Yes on Prop 2!"

Michigan ATU member's flyer to promote the right of collective bargaining. 

ATU National 401(k) Plan Notice
New Contract Rewrites Rules of the Road

Local 1700 Executive Board unanimously recommends members ratify tentative agreement that raises all wages, pays drivers for all time at work, returns all subcontracted work.

Proposed Contract - Draft

This is a draft of the complete text of the new contract.  Once ratified, any typos, misspellings, or syntax errors will be corrected before it is sent to the printer.

FMCSA Data Requests

User Guide and Manual - A practical guide for Federal and State data quality practitioners

Seniority Rosters By Location 9/2012

Greyhound Seniority Rosters By Location as of September 5, 2012

A Health Improvement Opportunity for You

Greyhound Lines, Inc. – National Local 1700 of the Amalgamated Transit Union Health & Welfare Trust (Greyhound ATU) is continually looking for ways to help you improve – or maintain – your health. As a wise person once said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Plus, we think it’s the right thing to do.

Take the Bus and Leave the Driving to...Who?

"Express" drivers between Dallas and Austin and between Houston and Austin may wear Greyhound uniforms, but they are really employed by the company's cut-rate line, Americanos.

2011 ATU-COPE Guidlines

Guidelines for Setting Up and Administering an ATU-COPE Program at Your Local

2011 ATU-COPE Brochure